- Apr 7, 2023
- Apr 7, 2023
- Feb 4, 2023
Updated: Jan 22, 2023
Drum roll, please......
I am SO excited to announce that I am officially a presenter for the Art of Education University NOW 2023 Winter Conference.
For my fellow art educators, you know how amazing AOEU has been as a resource for us. Not only am I a grad student for AOEU, but I will now be an educator that can help share knowledge to my fellow art teachers out there.
The way I became a presenter is quite amusing.
A few months before I accepted the opportunity to be a presenter, I had actually applied to both the Content Creator and Pro Pack Presenter positions at AOEU. While I received positive feedback to both of my applications, both positions were closed to new hires.
The news was disappointing, but I just kept on with my regular art teacher shenanigans--posting here and there on the socials.
Until one day.....
Oh that day...
...The day THE Tim Bogatz reached out to me via Twitter about presenting for the Winter Conference. I have a very small presence on the Tweeter, but I do post the fun and amazing things my students and I are creating in the classroom.
To the ordinary person, this may not be a big deal. But........toanArtTeacherpersonwhohasbeen followingtheArtofEdforthepast8yearsaswellasusingTim'spodcastsandmagazinearticlesasresearchformyownclassroomandgradschoolcourseworkthiswasaprettyprettyBIGdealtosomeonelikeme.
With my confidence low in not getting either of the AOEU jobs that I applied for, the Universe threw this amazing opportunity into my paint stained hands. Thank you, Universe.
Not that you asked for that background information, I thought it was VERY important to share in the terms of keeping our heads up. If we just keep swimming, sometimes things work out.
Now WHAT am I presenting at the Conference, you ask?
I will be sharing Creative Activities/Challenges to help get students out of those ruts that we all fall into. I am ALSO creating an After Pass presentation for Alternative Methods in Photography (Cyanotypes, Acetone Transfers, and Pinhole Photography).
I don't want to get into too many specifics, but those are the basic summaries of my presentations.
I hope to see you there for the question portion of the presentation!
Anyway, off to make this conference presentation content.